Sunday, January 6, 2008

Well, today I decided to take the day off, just relax. I ran a couple short miles with my oldest daughter Lizzie, which was a lot of fun. She and I don't really get a lot of alone time to do things just she and I because I have three girls and they are all equally demanding of Daddy time. It is crazy how time flies. I mean, it seems just the other day I was slipping a pull-up on her and kissing her good-nite and now we are running side by side in the woods behind my house talking about everything from how important taking care of your health is to BOYS!!!!!!!! Boys I tell ya!! I just can't believe she 's talking about boys. I know it sounds crazy, but if I thought I could get away with it I'd kick that little punk right in the balls just for wanting to roller skate with my little girl!!! I guess I got a lot of work to do before her prom if I don't want to end up in jail. Oh well, don't have much to say about running today, only real life stuff. Happy running!!!!!!!!


Carrie said...

Ha Ha...poor boys that come to the Dodd house!

Stanzx said...

You need to run Lizzie's boyfriends to the back of the trail and show them where they will be buried if they do anything to your daughter...that would be intimidating PDaddy.

Brandy Parker said...

Poor Lizzie, poor Lizzie... Actually, I feel for all the Dodd girls!! Oh, when that day comes...