Saturday, January 19, 2008

Pre Race Ritual

I can't help but laugh when I sit here and think about how important running is to me now. When I first started out I was just running circles around the block where I lived at the time until my head would nearlly spin off, signing up for 5k's I wasn't ready for, and on top of that pretty much having a drinking contest the night before the race, sometimes right up until just a couple of hours before the start of the race! Idiot!! Now here I am, a couple of years later, getting ready for my third ultra, and in a few hours I'll be laying out my gear on the bedroom floor as if there is actually an imaginary person wearing them. I could hardly sleep last night because I kept imagining I was running the course, wondering what it will be like, hoping I don't cramp up again, all that shit! I am the king of training like an animal, having great training runs, and bonking huge in the race. I think it is nerves. Anyways, my new "behavior" just kind of lets me know where I am now in the running and how far I've come. It now has become a part of me, it's in me. This is not a phase for me, as I see it being a part of my life forever. Running has made me more healthy, more efficiant at work, a more in tune Daddy, a more patient and sometimes more understanding husband. Also, this is spiritual for me, like therapy too. I'm sure all of you who run a lot know what I'm talking about, and hopefully agree with me. Sorry I'm rambling, just excited about the race tomorrow. See ya out there!!! Run your ass off!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Brandy Parker said...

Good Luck PDodd... I want to be just like you :-) ~Brandy